Gil Melim
I am a Consultant, specialised in Digital Experience Platforms (DXP), at Deloitte Digital Portugal. I'm passionate about helping businesses thrive and creating new growth — by connecting ideas and technology to elevate the human experience. As a Consultant, working across multiple large sized and complex projects in Digital Experience Platforms, I'm mostly focused in understanding users' needs and developing strategies to enhance their Digital Experience across several ecosystems. Additionally, I'm also also engaged in responding to technical constraints and business requirements, by applying Creative and Strategic Thinking. Throughout my journey at Deloitte Digital, I also worked in projects related with Digital Marketing (e.g., implementation of Social Media Campaigns and Strategies; as well as Social Media Analytics & Reporting), which allowed me to gain an holistic perspective towards Customer's Digital Journeys and Behaviours. I then leverage on all these experiences, knowledge and insights, to elevate Customers' Human Experience in the Digital Realm!